The setting of the magazine is based inside the college’s science lab, because the science equipment was included in the picture. The connotations behind the image are that students take learning seriously, and are very focussed. We can see this from the way the girl is focussed on her work in the image. The setting of the image tells us that the college is a serious place to study.
Although the person in the image is not looking at the reader, her body is facing the reader, which shows friendly body language. Her facial expressions show she is interested in her subject, making the image appealing. The connotations behind the facial expressions are that she very focused, but also with a smile she enjoys her studying.
The lighting for the image is quite simple, and it is lit from the front, we know because of the reflection on her glasses and the lighter areas of her chest and face. The background is grey and flat, which is a contrast to her figure. The connotations behind the low-key lighting are that the girl has more lighting than dark background as main point of the person studying of the college.
There is no real costume used in the image as the person is wearing ordinary clothes as a student would. The connotations behind this costume are that a student wearing non white clothes or science protection clothes seriously in the college.
The Font type used for this front cover is a Sans serif font. The word “Beloit” is used as the masthead and the font used is modern in style. However there are some different types of separate fonts in the magazine.
There are some props used in the image such as science equipment with chemicals and glass goggles. This is to represent as a science lesson in the college. The person in the image is not wearing a traditional white coat, like scientist normally do but wearing casual clothes, which makes the image more attractive to students. The connotations behind the props are that seriously well lab equipment.
The Anchorage for this picture has included different text, font sizes, graphics and image. They all combine together to create the meaning about the college to attract peoples attention to go to the college. Even showing how serious the college is.
The technical codes used for to create the image by shot size of top of the person without seeing her legs. Camera angels were aiming front of her, but the part of arm is missing. Also the lens is standard, good focus and different colours. The connotations of different colours are that there’s bright colour pink and the girl’s skin is than the dark colours in the background, which represents how she works seriously in her study.