The lighting in the image is interesting because, the lighting is shinnying on the singer. Given the image to have high key tone of lighting on the singer, to represent the singer as the main figure of the double paging, with the surroundings of the low key tone of lighting.
Also, as we know there are different combine images in the double paging, and they are mostly black and white photos. It does contain text, and with a poster with a different completely colour, comparing with the black and white theme. However, the costumes for the people are wearing of the double paging is using teenager or gangster clothes to connotes with the theme of a rocking roll or teenager type of song.
Whereas there, are some few of props used in the main image, which were audio or musical technology, such as the audio machine, microphone, and a guitars used for the theme. However the main theme of the double paging, is should be rocking roll or teenager music, therefore the props supports to connote with the theme.
Non-verbal communication were used in the magazine for the four small images of the people looking towards the audience or the readers, therefore this connotes towards the facial expression of showing they are cool, they really want do some rocking roll, one of the images is sexy to attract woman.
Technical Codes of the double paging magazine
1. Shot size = Long shot, and wide shots
2. Camera angle = mostly high angle
3. Lens type = Wide angle, and standard angle
4. Composition = Using only asymmetrical
5. Focus = Using harsh and soft
6. Colour = The colours are used to connotes with theme of rocking roll for darkness, however the orange image does goes with the theme for rocking roll for death for the magazine.
There has been different Font types to feature the text, such as for subtitles, and the main title is huge in the magazine, because “KILL ‘EM ALL” to connotes as the main subject of the double paging and the theme. Whereas for the other text is just for some information about what type of music, or the people who are playing the music.
Finally the Anchorage used in the magazine, is the author uses graphics method to support making the images to gather many readers as possible, and using the style of texts used and sometimes being changed to support the information or to connote about the theme or what is exactly about.