Tuesday, 30 March 2010
The advantages he stated about my front cover, were that he really enjoys the layout, and main image. Whereas the disadvantages he said were a few grammatical errors.
He didnt state any strengths for my contents page, because he wrote about problems of the legibility of the text, and said that the bold text is hard to read. he also thought that the contrast of the red and black makes it more difficult to see.
Whereas, the respondent was very happy with the double page spread and did not state any weaknesses. He wrote that the order of images looks very professional and he liked the font layout, plus use of images in the background.
Finally, the respondent said he would agree more than disagree with the design of the magazine, and he said "The first 2 pages are sufficient but the contents pages needs a few changes". He liked the images I presented in it, and said the text for the contents page needs more work. Also, he liked how I presented the pages, saying "The images and text really do suit the theme of the magazine".
7) Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to a full product?
The equipment I've used to help me create the magazine is as follows: camera, bluescreen, lights, computer with CS3 Photoshop. It has involved time management to do Audience Research, Camera Shots, and completing magazine designs using the computer.
The ideas I got from my audience research results helped me to make decisions about shot composition, framing, anchorage, layout, mode of address, and register.
The location I used for my Photographs was the classroom with giant blue screen, lights, and camera's as a studio for photo shots. The prop I used on the cover was a guitar and costumes of normal clothes (but with a black jumper or big winter black coat).
I knew that the problems I encountered when doing my preliminary task could be solved and improved for my main task. My still photography definitely improved - the models were in the correct position in my main task. Other improvements included, the image editing, and desktop publishing.
6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I will demonstrate of how I use different lasso tools, however I mostly using a maganetic lasso tool.
This is a list of different types of Lasso Tools, the best tools I mostly used is Polygonal, and Magnetic because is more accurate of highlighting different parts or sections into different layers or to change the selection.
Then I highlight what area I want to select.

5) How did attract/address your audience?
I gave the models clothes such as black jackets, with blue jeans, and at least one person wearing a grey T-Shirt for front cover. This is because black jackets is part of dark black fashion of rock'n roll, and for the blue jeans is very common in this culture. Also, lots of people wear jeans. Therefore, these types of clothes are more related with the target audience, and it could attract them to like this style of fashion. Finally, the way I presented the instrument of a bass or guitar with the models to show the audience how older teenagers like playing rock'n roll music as a band, and this could help to express to other teenagers who likes play this type of music.

This front cover of a older teenager has an expression of teenagers who want to rock or shout or sing very loudly to attract readers and encourage brand loyalty.
4) Who would be the audience for your media product?
I did not find out the age of my target audience from my research, and I should do this in the future as an improvement. According to my audience research, I should expect to have an audience who likes rock music, and certain colours. I also found out the type of text they wanted to see. I did make some changes, from my original drafts because the pages of the magazine needed to be improved to achieve a higher level, more like professional magazines. This encourages lots of readers to get involved, and enjoy.
3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Finally, I could distribute my magazines to youth clubs because this is where it can reach my target audience and get people interested in rock in roll music. The reason why I want to distribute my magazines to certain shops is because it is most common for shops to have a small section selling some drinks, small food, and mostly magazines.

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

1) In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and convection's of real media products?

Most magazines would have images of medium close up shots, because its very common in the society around the world to get a good clear idea of what people are presented in the shot. Such as this type of medium close up shot of a woman with her chest up and head together. Also most of the images showing facial expressions to the audiences or the readers.
This magazine contains the mode of address by using the text present with big open titles as mastheads, like MADONNA with the information of explaining the interview.
Also another way to call mode of address for taken this shot would be called reaction shot, therefore I can see she just calm, and looking more serious or mysterious.